We bring small business owners together to share their hard-earned experiences and overcome challenges by building solutions through our custom curriculum. So, you’ll never feel lonely again.
We’re bringing together small business owners in Westmoreland County to share their hard-earned experiences and overcome challenges by building solutions through our custom curriculum. So, you’ll never feel lonely again.
You learn things by talking with other small business owners, right? That’s because no textbook can teach what you experience every day. Now, what if those owners came together, shared their biggest challenges and created solutions with the help of a small business expert? Then you’d have answers to the problems holding you back right now.
That’s Entrepreneurs Forever.
It’ll cost your time (2 hours per month plus some homework.) It’ll cost your commitment (the more you share, the more you learn.) But it will not cost you money.
Our owner groups meet for 2 hours each month. Plus, you'll need to put in a few hours on assignments. That's it. Because running a small business already takes enough of your time.
Andrew and Samantha got into small business.
Then they got the success they deserved by joining
Entrepreneurs Forever.
This program is fully funded through a Congressionally Directed Community Project introduced and supported by Senator Bob Casey (PA). Entrepreneurs Forever is thrilled to use this funding to make our program available to small business owners across 25 counties free of cost.