October 7, 2020

Empowering Small Businesses with Mobile Marketing

With Jireh Mobile, small businesses can affordably use the same technology as companies with larger budgets to reach their audiences via text message marketing. Since 2005, Curtis Brown and his wife, Cassandra, have been helping small businesses, nonprofits, and municipalities in the Pittsburgh region stay in conversation with their customers. In 2020, Jireh Mobile expanded to Columbia, SC as NTENT Marketing.

“The most rewarding thing about our business is helping other people get the responses they want and seeing their organization grow into a company,” says Curtis Brown.

With Jireh Mobile, small businesses can affordably use the same technology as companies with larger budgets to reach their audiences via text message marketing. Since 2005, Curtis Brown and his wife, Cassandra, have been helping small businesses, nonprofits, and municipalities in the Pittsburgh region stay in conversation with their customers. In 2020, Jireh Mobile expanded to Columbia, SC as NTENT Marketing.

Jireh Mobile creates mobile text message campaigns. Curtis and Cassandra first learn about their client’s audience, message, and the action steps that they want their audience to take. Then, they collaborate with the business owner on the message copy—keeping it short and sweet—and set parameters for the campaign’s frequency and publication time. Curtis and Cassandra also help business owners market the campaign by creating whiteboard information videos, social media posts, and other digital announcements so that they can build their subscriber list organically.

Curtis and Cassandra Brown, owners of Jireh Mobile
Cassandra and Curtis Brown. Photograph by Porter Loves.

Jireh Mobile can then launch and run the campaign or teach the business owner how to use the platform to manage it themselves. Either way, Curtis and Cassandra empower their clients to disperse effective call-to-action messages that direct their customers to them.

“While businesses are first learning mobile marketing, we handle the campaign and let them know what’s going on. Then our clients usually start getting excited about it and ask about different things that we can do, and that’s music to our ears,” Curtis says.

Civic leaders, like the mayor of the Verona Borough in PA, also use Jireh Mobile to inform residents about fallen trees and closed roads, farmers markets, commercial trash pickup delays, and other time-sensitive messages. A franchisee who operates eight different locations of Vocelli Pizzeria uses Jireh Mobile to run campaigns for coupons and special offers that have successfully driven traffic to the restaurant. And the 412 Food Rescue, a Pittsburgh-based nonprofit, was able to raise nearly $1,500 in one day by using a Jireh Mobile campaign that encouraged their community to donate money.

From 2010 to 2019, Jireh Mobile’s text message marketing platform was used to choose the People’s Choice Award at the annual event called Savor Pittsburgh, a culinary competition for premiere Pittsburgh restaurants and fundraiser for the Magee-Women’s Research Institute. Attendees vote for their favorite restaurants at the end of the event with their mobile phone. Rather than voting and tallying hundreds of votes by hand, Jireh Mobile created a campaign in which attendees voted from their mobile phones.

Curtis and Jireh first entered text marketing in 2005 when it was in its infancy and built their expertise through hands-on experience. As business owners, they’ve also learned how to discern which clients to work with.

“Our best prospective clients speak from the heart about what they do. Then we match what we do to best compliment them, and start putting a campaign together,” Curtis says.

Before the Covid-19 pandemic, Curtis and Cassandra were able to connect with nonprofits and businesses at in-person networking events. When Covid-19 brought in-person events to a halt, Curtis and Cassandra faced new challenges with gaining leads and had to pivot the way that they networked. For their new location in Columbia, SC, Curtis and Cassandra have relied on phone conversations with local nonprofits and the Chamber of Commerce to build their network.

In fact, Curtis met the eforever Membership Director at a networking event before the pandemic. He joined his peer group in January 2020. His peers and facilitator have helped him with marketing, advertising, and gaining leads virtually. The monthly accountability of the group also helped him think about his business more broadly.

“There are several areas where the eforever group made me look a little closer. Attending the group is an eye-opener because now I think more introspectively based upon our monthly check-ins, as opposed to only thinking about the couple things that may be on my mind, the grind of the day, or the client I hope to land next week. There’s a lot more things that encompass the business.”

Curtis Brown

The Jireh Mobile team is currently working with small business owners, nonprofit organizations, and municipalities in the Pittsburgh, PA and Columbia, SC regions. To start reaching your audience and grow your business, contact Jireh Mobile at info@jirehmobile.com.

Entrepreneur: Curtis Brown

Business: Jireh Mobile (Pittsburgh, PA) and NTENT Marketing (Columbia, SC)

Social: Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn

Pittsburgh, PA


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