With a large team of professionals, The Vieras takes care of business owners’ back-office needs so they can focus on their business growth. Administrative, accounting, HR, safety, IT and marketing services save entrepreneurs in the nonprofit and for-profit sectors valuable time and energy. Instead of hiring an entire staff to perfect areas, entrepreneurs can outsource their project to a viera (a professional consultant) who focuses on their goals. The Vieras was founded by Andreina Viera in 2015.

Andreina and her team work closely with their clients to understand their goals, build an action plan, and execute it. Their expertise and resources provide business owners peace of mind and free up energy to focus on running their businesses. The Vieras’ services can also be as flexible as their clients need them to be—one week, a viera might work for eight hours and another week for forty, depending on the business owner’s needs.  

For many clients, The Vieras support their business growth in a natural progression. After getting their finances in order, a business leader can then hire a viera to develop their HR department, help them create their company culture, and hire the best team. And furthermore, the Vieras can help businesses with growing administrative IT needs.

“Whether you need one service or you need six services, we’re here to become that backbone for your business,” says Andreina.

One of The Vieras’ successful clients includes a salon owner who wanted to scale her business and first needed to organize her bookkeeping. Andreina organized monthly meetings with the owner. They were able to schedule and streamline the owner’s finance systems so that she could move beyond that issue. Afterward, the owner worked with an HR specialist from The Vieras to develop her HR department.

“She wants to grow, and now she’s not working in the business, she’s working on the business. With our help, she was able to take a step back, look at the organization, and really see what moving pieces needed to be worked on,” Andreina says.

During the Covid-19 pandemic, Andreina’s team continued to work with clients remotely. They also grew busier from helping other businesses fill out loan and grant applications.

“It’s a mission of mine to see my community grow,” Andreina says.

Andreina comes from an entrepreneurial family, who followed along with the development of The Vieras. Her grandmother was the first Latinx woman in Lawrence, MA to own a taxi company; she also ran a bodega and restaurant. But when Andreina told her grandmother that she was quitting her job to start her own business, she wasn’t so joyful.

“She had that experience, which wasn’t awesome, and she was so afraid that I would have similar experiences. But I learned from those experiences because she constantly reminds me of what has happened to her. And I make sure to be more careful and to learn from what she’s been through,” Andreina says.

Shortly afterward, Andreina discovered EforAll and participated in a cohort that gave her the foundation for The Vieras. At the end of the program, Andreina attended the grand prize finale ceremony with her family. She waited anxiously while the announcers called out the third and second place winners. When they called Andreina’s name as the first prize winner, she and her family were stunned. At that moment, Andreina won $6,000 to start The Vieras.

“Seeing how surprised they were really changed my life, changed their life, and changed the way that they saw my business and saw me. I was no longer an employee, I was an entrepreneur…My grandmother came up to me quietly and said, ‘If they believed in you, so do I. I’m going to match what you won today’.”

Read How to Build Strong Teams on The Vieras blog.

Since then, Andreina has grown her business and her team to 30+ members. At the start of her business, Andreina “hired with her heart” instead of selecting staff who best aligned with The Vieras. Through networking events, she started meeting other HR, IT, and financial professionals who joined The Vieras team more organically.

To support her business growth, Andreina also participated in Lawrence Leads and ICIC, which helped Andreina develop great leadership skills and understand business capital.

When Andreina joined her eforever group in June 2020, she was focused on managing her cash flow. Whenever it was time to send an invoice to a client, she felt ‘stuck’ and struggled to ask for the money they owed. She brought her issue to her peer group, whom she affectionately refers to as her ‘business shrinks’.

“My peers encouraged me and helped me see it differently. I’m helping my clients by sending the invoice because they know another responsibility that they have. By not invoicing them, I’m hiding another bill from them. And it’s only going to make it harder on them to not know. And so that problem has been resolved.”

Explore all of The Vieras’s services at getaviera.com/services. Hire a viera for your back-office needs at getaviera.com/hire-us.

Entrepreneur: Andreina Viera

Business:  The Vieras, LLC

Social: Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn

Lawrence, MA


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